ISH in Frankfurt - March 14 to 18 - Report 1/2

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ISH Water: The digital bathroom landscape

In ancient times people already knew that bathing serves not only cleaning but also promotes health and wellbeing. In the Roman Empire, public, architecturally demanding bathing facilities were constructed which fulfilled important hygienic and social functions. About 2,000 years later, the bathroom as a place for personal hygiene and individual wellness oasis for the whole family is to the fore. From 14 to 18 March, this can be seen in Frankfurt am Main at the ISH trade fair. The Guided Tours by World-Architects provide competent directions for a visit to the trade fair jungle.
This year’s ISH in Frankfurt/Main has the motto of «Water.Energy.Life.» and is about bathrooms and technology for people. (Photo: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Jochen Günther) 
Almost 60 years ago, the ISH trade fair took place for the first time, back then with the bland title of «Fachausstellung Sanitär- und Heizungstechnik». At least 520 companies, 63 of them from abroad, offered the hitherto (according to the closing report from 1960) “most comprehensive overview of the entirety of all available products, semi-finished products and materials”. Since that date, the industry has developed tremendously, and parallel the ISH has evolved into a worldwide accepted exhibition for the connection of water and energy. In 2017, exhibitors from Germany and abroad once again present new products in the fields of bathroom and sanitary, heating as well as air-conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation technology. About 200,000 visitors are expected. Especially the pressing issues of our time, like energy-efficiency, the use of renewable energies and resource conservation are the driving, politically as well as economically motivated forces behind the development of forward-looking building services solutions. Messe Frankfurt formulated a corresponding trade fair motto: “Water.Energy.Life.”, each deliberately accentuated with a full stop and spelled without a blank. This shall clearly illustrate how closely water and energy (efficiency) are intertwined in times of the intended energy revolution. By the way: For the last ISH, the trade fair company and its sponsors have chosen Poland as first partner country in the new partner country programme. This year, Turkey can be glad about this special distinction: “With this decision we acknowledge the increasing contribution of Turkey to the ISH”, emphasises Wolfgang Marzin, Chairman of the Management Board of Messe Frankfurt.
Technical refinement and lifestyle can both be found at the ISH trade fair: various water scenarios support individual wellbeing. (Photo: Mathias Duerr / World-Architects) 
ISH Energy and ISH Water
This year, the two contentual sections of ISH are again conveniently split up following the site typology of the Frankfurt exhibition grounds: The «ISH Energy» section is located on the west side in the Halls 8 to 11, featuring building and energy technology as well as air-conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation technology. Here, everything revolves around energy revolution, the use of renewable energies in heat and power generation and efficient heating systems - this year under the ambitious headline of “Energy revolution with a bright future – We have the solutions” (see our reported: ISH Energy: How the energy revolution can be successful). Those who want to inform themselves about current design standards in bathroom design and the corresponding coordinated sanitary technology, get their money’s worth on the east side of the exhibition grounds, in the Halls 3 to 6 as well as in the Festhalle: The «ISH Water» section presents «The Bathroom Experience» with, amongst other things, fittings, bathtubs, toilets, and bathroom furniture. Water is Life! Along this line, not only the sensual-inspiring experience is given priority here but also factual-rational themes, like sustainable technology geared to today’s requirements, for example for the reduction of water consumption in the bathroom. 
The bathroom increasingly stands for plenty of things that make up life. Shown in the photo: Pop up my bathroom sophisticated. (Photo: Karsten Jipp / VDS / Messe Frankfurt) 
A focus on people: bathrooms and technology for people
A current survey by the Forsa research institute shows that – also as a result of low interest rates and the general trend towards properties – the number of bathroom renovations has markedly increased in recent years. Frequently, the bathroom even undergoes complete modernisation. The mono-functional wet room with a neutral tiling has been ‘out’ for a long time. The bathroom has evolved into a living space with an individual design and feelgood atmosphere. It is about materials, pleasant lighting, music, scents, seating furniture or gym machines – some kind of «private spa». The demographic change and thus the wish for barrier-free accessisbility come into focus. Aesthetic and comfort are as important as health and safety. And even digitalisation does not stop in front of the bathroom door: sanitary technology, music and video services as well as access to the internet can be integrated into a smart home system and controlled via app. Last but not least, all of this shall serve the efficient use of energy.
Individual and stylish furnishings turn the bathroom into a living space and an important part of life. Shown in the photo: Pop up my bathroom fashion. (Photo: Karsten Jipp / VDS / Messe Frankfurt) 
As usual, «ISH Water« addresses these developments, with the driving force once again being the «»“Pop up my Bathroom” trend platform, initiated by Vereinigung Deutsche Sanitärwirtschaft e. V. (VDS), which analysed the question this year of what is typically individual in the bathroom. The initiators actually found eight answers, which are acted out in eight 3D collages in the «Saal Europa»” in Hall 4.0. Visitors can gain inspiration from photographs and one-to-one presentations and additionally follow lectures and discussions. In the special show «Workshop Bathroom» (Foyer Hall 4.0) exciting things can be discovered, because the future of bathroom installation and the advantages of pre-fabrication are presented here in an easily accessible and practically relevant way. Those interested in drinking water hygiene and the safety of heating systems get valuable information at the «Valuable Water» Forum at the stand of the Federal German Swimming Pool and Wellness Association (Bundesverband Schwimmbad und Wellness) in Hall 5.1.

What would special shows be without competitions and prizes? Right on the first day of the trade fair, for example, the «Design Plus powered by ISH» competition presented in the Foyer of Hall 4.2 confers award to sustainable products which combine sustainability, aesthetic and functionality. Also staged in the Foyer of Hall 4.2 (shortly after the award ceremony of Design Plus), the «Innovationspreis Architektur + Technik» awards the architectural quality in sanitary and building systems technology. The products are subsequently exhibited in a special show. Consequently, the Forum of Hall 4.2 is once again a perfect place to go to get excited over excellent and awarded products.
2015, Anna Philipp and Monica Wenczel from philipp architekten guided through the trade fair halls under the title «Featuring Water». (Photo: Mathias Duerr / World-Architects) 
Guided Tours on four trade fair days
Five trade fair days, a 250,000-square metre exhibition centre with ten halls and more than 2,480 exhibitors from 62 countries (140 of them coming from Turkey): as an unprepared visitor one easily loses track of what is going on. Therefore, World-Architects again offers free Guided Tours through the trade fair jungle this year, guided by renowned architects, interior designers, planners, and engineers – experts who draw upon their work and talk about it. From Tuesday until Thursday of the trade fair, they will provide good orientation and stimulate deepening conversations with colleagues and manufacturers. And this has already become a classic, too: the Friday of the trade fair is a highlight day when the editorial team of World-Architects will guide you to the most significant discoveries at the ISH.

Tour 1 : Christina Biasi-von Berg «Purification, relaxation & emotion», Tue., 14.3. 11-13
Tour 2 : Peter Ippolito & Gunter Fleitz «From A to Z», Tue., 14.3. 15-17
Tour 3 : Peter Joehnk «Neue Sanitärprodukte für Hotels», Wed., 15.3. 11-13
Tour 4 : Prof. Markus Pfeil «Innovative, effiziente und integrierte Produkte», Wed., 15.3. 15-17
Tour 5 : Julius Reimann «Design vs. Funktion», Thu., 16.3. 11-13
Tour 6 : Susanne Brandherm «Vielfältigkeit Wasser», Thu., 16.3. 15-17
Tour 7 : Thomas Geuder & Alexandra Busch «Energy Highlights», Fri., 17.3. 11-13
Tour 8: Alexandra Busch & Thomas Geuder «Water Highlights», Fri., 17.3. 14-16

Meeting point for each tour is the Outlook Lounge on the upper level of the Foyer in Hall 4.2.
The World-Architects Guided Tours take the participants to the most important trade fair highlights in a relaxed way. (Photo: Mathias Duerr / World-Architects) 
A visit to the trade fair can be so relaxed, …
… if you trustingly put yourselves into the hands of World-Architects: Arrive at 10:30 at the (by the way: newly renovated) Outlook Lounge right at the top of the stairwell in front of Hall 4.2 and get into the right mood as you have a relaxing chat with colleagues and guides over a cup of coffee. Join the first Guided Tour from 11:00 to 13:00, which is followed by a light lunch (this is also possible at the Outlook Lounge). Participate in the second Guided Tour of the day from 15:00 to 17:00, which is, of course, different from the first one. After your return you still have one hour for individual visits to stands, before the trade fair closes at 18:00. “Energy revolution with a bright future – We have the solutions” promises the ISH trade fair in Frankfurt/Main. Participants of the World-Architects Guided Tours obtain comprehensive information on technical and commercial solutions, with which the implementation of the double strategy of efficiency and renewable energies may indeed come true. And they will do so without the usual stress of a trade fair visit – that’s how you can look positively into the future! Thomas Geuder, Alexandra Busch
The bathroom can also serve as a room for body and health. Shown in the photo: Pop up my bathroom Fitness. (Photo: Karsten Jipp / VDS / Messe Frankfurt) 
Detached, with bidet function and much more: the toilet is already more than a throne. (Photo: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Pietro Sutera) 
They will again play an important role in the ISH Water section: design products stage the experience of water in the bathroom of the future. (Photo: Mathias Duerr / World-Architects)  
Teaser of the ISH 2017 (ISHfrankfurt, duration: 2:02 min.)
The ISH will again be a source of inspiration for architects, interior designers, designers, and planners. Shown in the photograph: the staircase in front of Hall 4, with the Outlook Lounge at the top of the escalator. (Photo: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Pietro Sutera) 

ISH in Frankfurt - 14 to 18 March - Preliminary Report 2/2
 ISH Energy: How the energy revolution can be successful 
Thomas Geuder
Pubblicato il
nov 29, 2016