smart IAA 2013

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Frankfurt, Germany

2013 is the year to set up the strong renewal of the product portfolio für smart 2014. The brand presentation at IAA in Frankfurt with the main topics “individuality and mobility” prepares the market for the new product generation. BRAUNWAGNER developed the concept “smart move” to visualize smart´s dynamic brand strategy. On an area of 3.350 sqm. dynamic architectural elements create open experience spheres. The design language is used throughout the entire stand. Strong colour accents create a spatial experience full of suspense. Architecture and communication link up to one statement: smart is mobility.

3.350 m²

Daimler AG

Andreas Keller

Other Projects by BRAUNWAGNER

smart Geneva Motorshow 2019
Geneva, Switzerland
Lamborghini Geneva Motorshow 2018
Geneva, Switzerland
smart urban stage 2010-2011
ebm papst Chillventa 2018
Nuremberg, Germany
Bugatti Geneva Motorshow 2019
Geneva, Switzerland