Flatlands & Massive Things – From NL to NYC & Beyond

Archi-Tectonics was founded by Dutch architect Winka Dubbeldam in 1994 with offices in New York City, the Netherlands and China. She and Justin Korhammer, Partner since 2016, collaborate with a diverse team of designers, engineers, consultants and contractors on multiple scale projects, spanning from city plannings and buildings to interiors and design objects. Their award-winning work is widely known and recognised for its use of hybrid sustainable materials and smart building systems as well as its elegance and innovative structures.

The exhibition will give an insight into the methodology and creative cogitations of Archi-Tectonics, combining the use of latest digital technologies with philosophical approaches that made the office one of the leading teams in the field of research and innovative building design worldwide. The 497 GW apartment building in Soho/New York, completed in 2004, was one of the first realised projects to utlilise parametric design and production techniques.

From "Flat Lands & Massive Things - From NL to NYC & beyond" documents how the influences of her Dutch-American biography are consciously or unconsciously reflected in her work. Winka Dubbeldam studied architecture at the Institute of Higher Professional Architectural Education, Rotterdam and at Columbia University in New York where she established her own firm. Winka Dubbeldam is currently also Chair and Miller Professor of Architecture at the Department of Architecture, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and an External Examiner at the Bartlett School of Architecture, London.

The Netherlands and New York City, despite their obvious differences, share some significant contextual similarities. Both are characterised by their flat landscape and predominance of the waterfront, and they consequently face the opportunities, as well as the risks of this exposure. In this context the strategy of Archi-Tectonics has been to create a tangible, artificial topography by setting "objects" in the flat city fabric. The arrangement of buildings, which develop from the horizontal to the vertical, thus create urban landmarks in the urban space. This becomes evident in projects like the Blaak Tower in Rotterdam or the project for the Houthaven Pier Towers near Amsterdam. These tall, sculptural buildings in the lower built environment of Rotterdam and at the harbor in Houthaven create significant architectures that give these places a new urban identity.

16 de marzo hasta el 25 de abril, 2019
Aedes Architekturforum
Christinenstr. 18-19
10119 Berlin, Alemania
Aedes Architecture Forum
Archi-Tectonics Profile
