Iñigo Azpiazu Garrido
Architect by the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism. National University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (in 1999). Professor Assistant of Projects in the FADU of the National University of Buenos Aires (1997-1999). Architect Associate to Bopbaa since 2008.

Iñaki Baquero Riazuelo
Architect by ETSAB (UPC) 1997 (Awarded the Final Project of Race). UPC Professor of Drawing in 1992. Invited Professor by the School of ICAB, Paris 2006. Awarded Second Place in the Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism of Saragossa 1993. Professor of Projects in the University of Pompeu Fabra (Elisava) 1994-2001. Professor of Masters of Architecture Art and Espacio (ETSAB) 2000-2002. Professor of Projects in the International University of Catalonia (UIC) from 2000, Professor, University of San Jorge Zaragoza since 2009. Teacher of the UPC in 2011 graduate Lighting Design.

Josep Bohigas Arnau
Architect by ETSAB (UPC) in 1996. Granted a Caixa Scholarship in 1994. Masters AAD of Columbia University, NY. Professor of Masters in Architecture in the University of Salamanca and the University of Pompeu Fabra (Elisava) 1993-2001. Professor of Projects in Cátedra Mies (ETSAB) 2000-2002. Professor of Projects in the International University of Catalonia (UIC). Professor of Projects of ETSAB 2008. Professor in the Masters of the House of the 21st Century in 2007. Member of the Board of Directors of the FAD in 2001 - 2005. Commissioner of Barraca-Barcelona. Commissioner of Project APTM for Construmat 2005. Awarded the Ciutat of Barcelona in Design in 2007 i 2008. 2008-2009 At the moment, Josep is a member of the Board of Directors of Scholarship Fund. Director of Graduate Lighting Design in the 2011 UPC.

Francesc Pla Ferrer
Architect by ETSAB (UPC) 1998 (Awarded the Final Project of Race). Professor invited in the Masters of Urbanism of the University of Bogota, Colombia. Professor of Projects in Cátedra Mies (ETSAB) 2001. Professor of Projects in the International University of Catalonia (UIC) 2000-2001 and 2004. Professor of Projects in the School of Elisava (University of Pompeu Fabra) 1998-2002 and 2004. Director of the Summer Course “The Time In The Museum” by the University of Alcala of Madrid, Escorial 2005. Professor in the Masters of History, Art, Architecture and City from 2006. Professor in the Masters of the House of the 21st Century in 2006. Member of the Jury of the First Triennial of Architecture of the Baix Llobregat COAC 2005. Advisory architect in docu-series “a Lloc x Viure” for the Television of Catalonia in 2007. Member of the Jury in the Hormipresa Competition. Awarded the City of Barcelona in Design 2007. Municipal Architect of Ribes de Freser of 2008-2009. Member of the jury of the contest Lighting Lamp Lighting Solutions Awards 2010. the jury as a representative of a contest organized by COAC BIMSA 2011, at present the project is organized by the Citizenship and Architecture College of Architects of Catalonia.