
Saucier + Perrotte architectes

Les bains Scandinave - Vieux-Montreal

Montréal, Canada, 2009

Photos: Marc Cramer Located in the heart of historic Old Montreal and facing the vibrant piers of Old Port, Scandinave Les...

RVDM Arquitectos

Sea Front

Figueira da Foz, Portugal, 2012

Landscape and Memory - Reunion to the future The proposal takes advantage of the extensive sandy beach of...

T2.a Architects


Budapest, Hungary, 2011

Back in the old days District 17 on the outskirts of Budapest used to be a loose community of three small villages. In the Communist era ...


Frédéric-Back Park

Montréal, Canada, 2017

Giving back: Parc Frédéric-Back A legacy of the City of Montreal’s 375th anniversary celebrations, the award-winning Frédéric-Back Park ...


Yitingting Cottage

Tonglu, China, 2019

Located in Tonglu, Zhejiang, Yintingting Cottage performs as an individual drawing room and a dining room for a rural hotel complex. The ...

Alberto Campo Baeza

Olnick Spanu House

New York, アメリカ, 2008

The place is of profound tranquility where after a day of rain and fog an intense light reflects in the stilled mirror of the majestic Hu...

ROGERS PARTNERS Architects+Urban Designers

Rice University, Klein School of Social Sciences

Houston, TX, アメリカ, 2015

The first building on a new formal axis of the expanding campus, Klein Hall for Social Sciences sets new precedents for site plan...

ARW Associates - Botticini + Facchinelli

R3 Residential Tower in Assago

Milano, イタリア, 2012

The project is a completion of the urban puzzle defined by Erik Van Egerrat’s masterplan for Milanofiori in Assago. the residential build...

JKMM Architects

Seinäjoki City Library

Seinäjoki, Finland, 2012

The key point of reference for the new library design was its location in the valuable environment of the civic centre created by Aalto -...

Patrick Roegiers


Amsterdam, オランダ

An opportunity to improve social networks by making use of in-between spaces. An improved network for homeless in Amsterdam by programmi...

Silvia Lucchetta - YTAA Shortlist

Linear Landscapes

Ibiza , Spain

Senior Community | Sant Mateu d'Albarca "Linear Landscapes presents an alternative tourism strategy ...


Villa MKZ

千葉県, 日本, 2021

それは複雑な条件の敷地に、踊るような<足跡>を刻んでいく道のりであった。 南東の海景に面した素晴らしいロケーションの敷地ではあるが、敷地の中央に岩盤が露出した1.4m前後の段差があり、道路側には建築をすることができない領域が食い込んでいた。主として2台分のガレージとゲスト...

Levin Monsigny Landschaftsarchitekten

Togostraße Green Corridor

Berlin, ドイツ, 2015

The promenade is the first stage of an urban bicycle and open space link that will eventually run from Zeppelinplatz to Nachtigallplatz i...

C+S Architects

WFP – Water Filtration Plant

Sant'Erasmo island, Venice Lagoon, イタリア, 2008

An infrastructure becomes landscape design. Located in the Nortehrn Lagoon Park north of Venice, on the southeastern edge of Sant'Erasmo ...

Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners

Hoboken Southwest Park

Hoboken, アメリカ, 2017

In a flood-prone corner of Hoboken, Starr Whitehouse led an interdisciplinary team of engineers, designers, and cost estimators to craft ...


Cemetery pavilion

Dalmine, イタリア, 2016

The municipality of Dalmine, a city of 25.000 inhabitans in the north of Italy, had the necessity to increase the main cemetery with a ne...


カフェラウンジ 表参道モントーク

東京, 日本, 2002

“建築とインテリアの境界線上で・・・・” 本プロジェクトは、70年代から80年代にかけて新しいもの好きの業界人たちの溜まり場として名を馳せた表参道カフェ・ド・ロペの跡地に建つ。建築家が「箱」をつくり、インテリアデザイナーが「内」をつくる、という従来の創作プロセスへの問いか...

VIGUIER architecture urbanisme paysage

Natural History Museum

Toulouse, フランス, 2008

This project is more than just an extension of the current museum, it deals more with the unraveling and affirmation of the concept of a ...

Costa Lopes Arq


Luanda, Angola, 2014

The Kizela building occupies two plots of Parcel 3, a new prime neighborhood which is presently under construction over a landfill in Lua...

Fougeron Architecture

400 Grove

San Francisco, アメリカ, 2016

400 Grove introduces 34 residences in the heart of Hayes Valley, continuing the neighborhood’s rise as a vital, walkable neighborho...


Villa SSK

千葉, 日本, 2012




大阪, 日本, 2015

大阪府堺市の閑静な住宅街に週末住宅を建てる計画。 敷地は交差点の角に面しており、道路面からのプライバシーを確保する事が求められた。 1F外壁は杉型枠コンクリート打ち放し、2Fはレッドシダーガラス塗装仕上げ。ガレージドアもレッドシダーとし、素材感のある重厚な外観とした。 ...


Newton Park

Brussels, ベルギー, 2014

The project proposes the construction of a complex for small and medium enterprise (PME Park) with an expressive architecture taking maxi...

Montalba Architects, Inc.

Studio Dental

San Francisco, アメリカ, 2014

With only 230 interior square feet, the primary challenge was to create the illusion of a more spacious interior, while also packing requ...

BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group

1200 Intrepid

Philadelphia, アメリカ, 2016

1200 Intrepid is a LEED Gold office building shaped by the encounter between Robert Stern’s master plan of rectangular city blocks ...

BUREAU (Daniel Zamarbide, Carine Pimenta, Galliane Zamarbide)

Mr. Barrett's Garden

Geneva, スイス, 2019

There is a vast private and beautiful site, a plot on the Leman Lake, looking towards the majestic Alps. The fictional character that we ...

KI Studio

Jiefang Tunnel

Hangzhou, China, 2005

Concept development for a dual carriageway tunnel in an urban setting. The new tunnel links the old city of Hangzhou with the new CBD. T...


Orum Residence

Bel Air, Los Angeles, アメリカ, 2018

Given its prominent positioning above a relatively developed neighborhood, the motivation behind the design of the home was to create a r...

Maria Cerdà - YTAA Shortlist

Butterfly Landing

Llobregat Park, Barcelona, Spain

A minimum Intervention for a big evolutionary leap "Butterflies as important environmental indicators, p...



São Paulo, Brazil

The Pirajussara creek emerges at the border between São Paulo and Embu, in the southwest of the metropolitan region with a total length o...

Nicolas Mourot

A chestnut cooperative in the Massif des Maures

La Garde-Freinet, フランス

An alternative method for wildfires The French Mediterranean basin witnesses numerous wildfires. Current methods result in the creation ...

BaO Architects

Split Bathhouse

Shanmen, China, 2011

BaO collaborated with Madaifu, an association working with children in difficult familial situations in Gansu province. Shanmen primary a...


BLITZ(ブリッツ) / TUNE(チューン)

日本, 1981

BLITZ 1981-94 Skipper s.p.a.  TUNE(名称変更) 1995 株式会社カッシーナ・イクスシー 1977年のAIA(アメリカ建築家協会)主催の国際チェアコンペティションで一席になってから、実際に商...

Hidalgo Hartmann

New hut and access

Santa Pau, Spain, 2004

Reorganization of the accesses to a country house in la garrotxa, which is  composed by a main building with an annex attached to it...

Cushing Terrell

Confluence House

Whitefish, アメリカ, 2018

Situated on ten acres at the meeting of two rivers near Whitefish, Montana, Confluence House is a fly fisherman's dream. Conceived as a g...


'King David the Builder' International Airport

Kutaisi, Georgia, 2012

The new Kutaisi 'King David the Builder' International Airport - which serves domestic and international flights for use by ...

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