
HM White

Brooklyn Botanic Garden

New York, アメリカ

Honored by the NYC Design Commission with an Award for Excellence in Design in 2008 for integration of form, function and sustain- able p...



São Paulo, Brazil

The Pirajussara creek emerges at the border between São Paulo and Embu, in the southwest of the metropolitan region with a total length o...

Francesc Rifé Studio

AdH House

Ciudad de México, Mexico, 2020

«Es un proyecto pensado de dentro hacia fuera». —Francesc Rifé Aunque México siempre se ha definido por los colores intensos y los inter...

Olson Kundig

Blakely Island Artist Studio

Blakely Island, アメリカ, 2014

An intimate study in scale, this compact 450 square-foot cabin makes the most of its remote site on a forested bluff overlooking the wate...

ACA Amore Campione Architettura


イタリア, 2015

Il progetto di ristrutturazione della villa a Favignana nasce dalla volontà di recuperare e rinnovare l'abitazione esistente con l'aggiun...

Drawing Architecture Studio

Dongbei Renaissance

Shenyang, China, 2021

Dongbei Renaissance is a mural project Drawing Architecture Studio completed at Dong Mao Ku, the city of Shenyang, Liaoning Province, as ...

DMP arquitectura


Estado de México, Mexico, 2019

Ubicado en el Estado de México, Torre Profasa se encuentra en el número 8 de Circuito Circunvalación Poniente, perpendicular a Blvd. Manu...



大阪, 日本, 2002

阿倍野区松崎町に位置するこの家は、40代のご夫婦と育ち盛りの子供2人の住まいである。 医師であるご主人は、車を趣味とされていてスポーツカーを3台所有されており、レースに出場される程の腕前である。そのこだわりようは仕事と趣味だけにとどまらず、建築という新しい開拓地にも及んで...


Grand Théâtre de Québec Preservation Solution

Quebec City, Canada, 2020

Prized for its brutalist architecture by Victor Prus, the Grand Théâtre de Québec, inaugurated in 1970, required a major intervention to ...


The 7th Room

Sweden, 2017

Snøhetta’s soaring addition to Treehotel welcomes its first guests Wednesday, January 18, 2017 — In the tall pine forest of Northern Swe...


BLITZ(ブリッツ) / TUNE(チューン)

日本, 1981

BLITZ 1981-94 Skipper s.p.a.  TUNE(名称変更) 1995 株式会社カッシーナ・イクスシー 1977年のAIA(アメリカ建築家協会)主催の国際チェアコンペティションで一席になってから、実際に商...

Cushing Terrell

Sunset Summit Residence

Las Vegas, アメリカ, 2021

Sunset Summit Residence is located in the foothills of Las Vegas, Nevada, and captures the true essence of desert architecture, while exp...

gmp · Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner

National Stadium

Brasília, Brazil, 2013

Brasília, innerhalb von drei Jahren in einem heroischen Kraftakt erbaut und von Lucio Costa und Oscar Niemeyer entworfen und gestaltet, i...


Sakuragaoka bld.

東京都, 日本, 2022

渋谷区桜丘、246号線から代官山に向かう通りの傾斜地に建つテナントビルである。接道距離が長い角地で人通りも多くテナントビルとしてはよく人目につく場所にある。 変形の敷地を生かしたプランニングで、接道部分はガラスを多用し内部を可視化するとともに、内部からは視線の抜けを最大限...

AV62 arquitectos

Plentzia 79

Bizkaia, Spain, 2003

This house is reinterpreted in contemporary terms stated a desire by customers as a "log cabin". There is both a cabin in the w...


軽井沢 Workation Villa

長野, 日本, 2022


Charles Rose Architects

Paintrock Camp

Hyattville, アメリカ

A camp for underprivileged urban Los Angeles eighth-graders who have strong academic and leadership potential. Paint Rock is the first st...

Swatt | Miers Architects

Peninsula Humane Society

Burlingame, アメリカ, 2010

The Peninsula Humane Society's Tom and Annette Lantos Center for Compassion houses both the organization's Companion Animal Adopt...


Midwest Inland Port Financial Town

Xi’an, China, 2015

Maike Metals Group (Maike) is one of China’s biggest non-ferrous metal suppliers and traders with the largest trading volume of copper ca...

In Praise of Shadows Arkitektur

Plinsberg Refugium

Plintsberg, Sweden

Situated in the outer region of Plintsberg, the site is a pristine, untouched slice of nature with a magnificent view over looking Lake S...



Leipzig, ドイツ, 1998

Das Bü­ro­ge­bäu­de für die KPMG be­fin­det sich im Her­zen ei­nes Grün­der­z...

Various Associates

C2 Cafe & Bar

Shenzhen, China, 2019

You are standing on the bridge enjoying the scenery; The sightseer is watching you from the balcony. The bright moon adorns your window...

b720 Fermin Vazquez arquitectos


Barcelona, Spain, 2021

El proyecto se ubica en el barrio del Poblenou, dentro del extenso complejo de la antigua fábrica de hilatura de yute popularmente conoci...

Duarte Aznar Arquitectos

Ampliación y Remodelación Aeropuerto…

Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico, 2012

Diáfano y dinámico – “Un aeropuerto es una máquina para procesar pasajeros”. Reconfigurar y ampliar un Aeropuerto en funciones para adecu...

MONOLAB architects

ARCHIPELAGO - Spiretec, New Dehli

Greater Noida, インド, 2010

SPIRETEC COMPETITION INDIA © 2011. International architecture competition. Client: Spiretec. Design: Monolab. Status: honorable ment...


Convention & Exhibition Centre

Malaysia, Malaysia

The new Convention and Exhibition Centre underpins the government’s efforts to usher Malaysia to become a high-income economy - it addres...

AHEAD Barcelona Healthcare Architecture

New Hospital in Aranda del Duero

Aranda del Duero, Spain

The foundation of the proposal is to reconcile the two major categories that define the future of hospitals: humanization and sustainabil...

noa* network of architecture


San Cassiano, イタリア, 2016

A house brings the nature inside | In the demolition and reconstruction of the Hotel Tofana in St. Kassian / S. Cassiano in Badia Valley ...

SET Architects

Via Latina Apt.

Roma, イタリア, 2023

The apartment is located on the top floor of an early twentieth century building located along Via Latina, one of the oldest roadways in ...


Lascaux IV

Montignac, フランス, 2016

The new International Centre for Cave Art (Centre International d’Art Parietal) in Montignac, France welcomes visitors to an immersive ed...

MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects


Kingsburg, Canada, 1990

The Ghost Laboratory is sited at the La Have River estuary on Nova Scotia’s Atlantic coast, where Samuel de Champlain made his firs...

OAB Ferrater & Partners

Ria de Bilbao Housing Building

Bilbao, Spain, 2011

Respecting historicist criteria on the delimitation of the nineteenth century elliptical square, the project takes on a contemporary qual...


Can Santacilia

Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2022

Can Santacilia es un proyecto residencial de 3300 m2 con 15 viviendas y zonas comunes. Se trata de una cuidadosa reforma de dos edificios...

ikon.5 architects

National Purple Heart Hall of Honor

New Windsor, アメリカ, 2020

The National Purple Heart Hall of Honor is a museum and visitor center for honoring the valor and sacrifice of Purple Heart Medal recipie...

Dattner Architects

Bronx Library Center

Bronx, アメリカ, 2006

The Bronx Library Center is located at a key urban site, and fulfills multiple public roles by serving both the neighborhood and the comm...

Massimo Mariani Architetto


Empoli, イタリア, 2009

Il progetto mostra un corpo allungato lungo la strada di una piccola area industriale in Toscana. L'edificio occupa una superficie di...

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