Il Rilancio di Italian-Architects

L’architettura Italiana sta vivendo oggi un momento di rinascita. I più grandi architetti italiani realizzano progetti importanti in tutto il mondo e sono riconosciuti e apprezzati a livello internazionale. Altrettanto interessante è quanto sta accadendo sul territorio italiano ad opera di piccoli e medi studi di progettazione che propongono un’architettura di qualità. Queste realtà rimangono però spesso poco visibili e difficilmente riescono a farsi conoscere oltre i confini nazionali. Crediamo che il lavoro degli architetti italiani meriti di più.

Per il suo rilancio, Italian-Architects ha invitato 100 studi di progettazione che rappresentano per noi l’architettura contemporanea italiana. L’obiettivo è quello di creare un archivio online esaustivo, costantemente aggiornato, in continua evoluzione e facilmente consultabile di progetti e progettisti accuratamente selezionati, di cui questa prima presentazione è solo il punto di partenza. Per comporre questa fotografia abbiamo preso in considerazione non solo gli studi affermati a livello nazionale ed internazionale, ma anche i giovani architetti agli inizi della professione, gli architetti specializzati nell’architettura d’interni e del paesaggio e coloro che, per scelta, progettano a stretto contatto con imprenditori e artigiani locali.

Ci auguriamo che il nostro lavoro possa dare un contributo significativo alla diffusione della buona architettura italiana promuovendo la professionalità dei nostri studi di progettazione attraverso la migliore vetrina internazionale.

Questi sono gli studi invitati: ABDR Architetti Associati, ACA Amore Campione Architetttura, Actromegialli, Alvisi Kirimoto, Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel, Archea Associati, archiplanstudio, architetto Michele De Lucchi, ASA studio, Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia, Babau Bureau, Baukuh, bergmeisterwolf architekten, Bricolo Falsarella Associati, C+S Architects, Camillo Botticini, Canali Associati, Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli, Carlo Ratti Associati, Casatibuonsante Architects, Ciclostile Architettura, Cino Zucchi Architetti, CLAB Architettura, Clinicaurbana, CLS Architetti, CN10Architetti, Corde Architetti, Corvino + Multari, Cottone+Indelicato Architetti, CREW-Cremonesi Workshop, Deamicis Architetti, demogo, Dimorestudio, Diverserighestudio, duearchitetti, ElasticoSPA+3, Exit Architetti Associati, Fabio Fantolino, Flore & Venezia, Fosbury Architecture, Francesca Torzo Architetto, Francesco Librizzi, Gianluca Peluffo, Giovanni Vaccarini Architetti, Gosplan, IAN+, ifdesign, Insula Architettura e Ingegneria, Iosa Ghini Associati, Iotti + Pavarani Architetti, Ipostudio, L22, Labics, Laboratorio Permanente, Laura Peretti Architects, Lazzarini Pickering Architetti, LGB Architetti, Lissoni Associati, Lopes Brenna, Luca Zanaroli, MADE Associati, MAP Studio, Marcante-Testa, Marco Costanzi, Marg Studio, Maria Giuseppina Grasso Cannizzo, Mario Bellini Architects, Mario Cucinella Architects, Markus Scherer, Massimiliano Fuksas Architetto, Massimo Mariani Architect, Matteo Thun & Partners, Messner Architects, MIDE Architetti, Mirko Franzoso, Modus Architects, Monovolume architecture+design, Nemesi Studio, Netti Architetti, noa*, Nunzio Gabriele Sciveres, OBR, Onsite, Open Project, Parisotto+Formenton, Park Associati, Patricia Urquiola, Pedevilla Architects, Piuarch, Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Scandurra Studio, Scape, Schiattarella Associati, SET Architects, Stefano Boeri Architetti, STUDIO, Studio DiDeA, Studio Italo Rota & Partners, Studio wok, TA Architettura, Tam Associati, Tomas Ghisellini Architetti, Werner Tscholl, Westway Architects.

La Biennale di Architettura Venezia 2018

Open to the public from Saturday May 26th to Sunday November 25th 2018, at the Giardini and the Arsenale, the 16th International Architecture Exhibition, titled FREESPACE, will be curated by Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara and organized by La Biennale di Venezia chaired by Paolo Baratta. The preview will take place on May 24th and 25th, the awards ceremony and inauguration will be held on Saturday May 26th 2018.


Spotlight on Italy

In just over a week the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale opens to the public. While the exhibition shines a spotlight on an international assemblage of architects in the Arsenale and the national pavilions in the Giardini, the anticipatation also has us thinking about the buildings being produced by Italian architects. In turn, here we highlight around a dozen projects from the Italian-Architects platform; click to visit the architects' profiles and see more great projects.


Il nostro Team Italian-Architects

Erica Lago

Curator Italy
[email protected]
Born in Bassano del Grappa (Italy), in 2015 Erica graduated in Architecture at IUAV in Venice with an Erasmus at ETSAB in Barcelona. After some experiences around Europe working as staff at Domaine de Boisbuchet (France) and as assistant curator at DIVISARE in Rome, in 2017 she decided to move back to Barcelona to focus on the aspect of the communication inside the architecture field.

To me, architecture is a constant process searching for the beauty: from the large scale to the detail. I am attracted to buildings with a story to tell, ruins, unfinished architectures. I am curious about the design process, modern methods of construction and how architecture change people’s life.

Miriam Giordano

Director Spain & Italy
[email protected]
Phone+34 606 60 22 30
Born in Italy. Living in Barcelona. Studies in Semiotics, Sociology, Marketing and Advertising. Degree in Science of Communication, Alma Mater, Bologna, with an extended time period of studying under the teachings of Prof. Umberto Eco.

From 1999 until 2008 she has been working in communication and advertising agencies in Italy starting as copywriter, then creative director and finally general director, for clients in areas such as furniture design, fashion, public institutions, tourism, exhibition events and fairs. After an experience as general director of a start-up communication agency in Zagreb, she moved to Barcelona in 2009 as business development manager to open and launch a new branch office of a multi-disciplinary international agency for communication and design.

In 2012 Miriam Giordano founded Labóh, a boutique consultancy studio dedicated to promote design and architecture for international manufacturers and brands as well as for professional studios and institutions, providing services from brand strategy to PR, events and business development. In 2013 she joined PSA Publishers in order to develop the Spanish market for

Antonio LaGioia

Editor and Curator Italy
[email protected]
Phone+34 610346186
Antonio La Gioia practices as a free-lance architect and engineer, with studies at “La Sapienza” university in Rome and a Master in Sustainable Architecture at InArch. With more than ten years of experience he has been dealing with many aspects of the profession, in different roles, both in design and in project management.
His specific interests are related to history of architecture and issues of sustainability, with a passion for new software and specific skills to approach sustainability at different scales, from urban planning and architecture to interior design. His professional profile is focused on a specialistic field but with a vast and wide-ranging expertise. As a part of Labóh team, Antonio joined PSA Publishers in September 2015.