
2 months ago

Number of solar panels the new Central Control Building in Konya, designed by Bilgin Architects for Turkish company Kalyon Energy, serves across an area of 20 square kilometers (7.7... René Ammann

on 26/08/2022

Amount each of the 107 Make It Right homeowners in New Orleans' Lower Ninth Ward are eligible to receive as reimbursement for repairs conducted on the defective homes, René Ammann

on 31/05/2021

Estimated number of "viagers" — buyers who pay upfront for a residence while getting the keys only when the... René Ammann

on 11/01/2021

Average distance a Londoner who left the city last year travels to their new home: 41 miles (66 km) René Ammann

on 10/02/2020

Total cost, as of January, for the United States to build more than 450 miles of border wall at the U.S.-Mexico border by the end... René Ammann

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