
John Hill | 19.12.2024


The Foundation for the Finnish Museum of Architecture and Design and Real Estate Company ADM have announced five finalists in an open international design compeitition for a new museum of architecture and design that will be built in Helsinki’s South Harbour.

John Hill | 12.10.2024


The Chicago Architecture Center (CAC) has announced the four winners of its Missing Middle Infill Housing Design Competition, which challenged entrants to reimagine designs for “missing middle density” homes in four categories: six-flats, two- and three-flats, rowhouses, and single-family...

John Hill | 12.09.2024


The Foundation for the Finnish Museum of Architecture and Design and Real Estate Company ADM have revealed the 623 entries that were submitted in the first stage of an open international design competition for a new museum of architecture in Helsinki’s South Harbour. All 623 proposals are...

John Hill | 19.08.2024


Warsaw's WXCA has won the competition to design a new building for the 104-year-old Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań, Poland.

John Hill | 13.06.2024


Two years ahead of Barcelona serving as World Capital of Architecture and hosting the UIA World Congress in 2026, the Fundació Mies van der Rohe and Barcelona City Council are launching an international ideas competition asking young architects to remodel ten party walls spread across the...

Katinka Corts | 05.06.2024


Since it is so far from the city center, the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Siegen does not play a major role in the town of Siegen, Germany. The competition for the relocation of the faculty, which has now been decided, marks the start of a change. The aim: bring more life to...

John Hill | 16.02.2024


The Helsinki City Council has approved funding to the Foundation for the Finnish Museum of Architecture and Design, which, with matching funds from the Finnish state, moves the project for a new museum in the city's South Harbour forward, with a design competition launching in April.

Katinka Corts | 25.08.2023


In the competition for the Residence of the German Embassy in Herzliya, Israel, the jury selected a joint design submitted by the three architectural firms: Gustav Düsing, wolff:architekten, and Architekten für nachhaltiges Bauen, with landscape design by emmerik garden design and research.

John Hill | 12.07.2023


Concept designs by the six shortlisted firms in the “Reimagining the Dallas Museum of Art International Design Competition” have been revealed, with a winner to be announced in August.

Ulf Meyer | 27.04.2023


Kengo Kuma & Associates has won the international design competition for a visitor center for the Butrint National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site on Albania’s Ionian coast.

John Hill | 16.04.2023


The winner of Metals in Construction Magazine's 2023 Design Challenge, which asked entrants to envision concepts for redeveloping a Midtown Manhattan office tower for residential use, cuts up a modern skyscraper to create a Vertical Village with “neighborhoods in the sky.”

John Hill | 10.03.2023


Forty-two architects/teams have been shortlisted in the Missing Middle Infill Housing competition, part of the Chicago Architecture Center's (CAC) Come Home Initiative, which “aims to reverse decades of disinvestment and depopulation and transform the urban fabric of Chicago’s South and West...

Ulf Meyer | 16.02.2023


A team led by David Chipperfield Architects has won the high-profile competition to expand the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. (Originally published on January 12, 2023; updated with additional renderings on February 16.)

John Hill | 10.01.2023


Last month the Kunstmuseum Bern, one of Switzerland's oldest museums, revealed the 39 architectural teams selected for the two-stage competition to reimagine the "Museum of Fine Arts Bern of the Future."

Derin Kinacigil, Juan Franco | 26.05.2022


Buildner (formerly Bee Breeders) recently announced the winner of the Iceland Greenhouse Restaurant competition, awarding the first-place prize to architects Derin Kinacigil and Juan...

John Hill | 18.05.2022


BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group has won the international architectural competition for the new Vltava Philharmonic Hall in Prague, beating out Diller Scofidio + Renfro, MVRDV, SANAA, and Snøhetta, among other...

John Hill | 24.03.2022


The Pritzker Military Museum & Library has selected Orbits, the entry by Oyler Wu Collaborative, as the winner of the design competition for the Cold War Veterans Memorial, to be built at the Pritzker Archives & Memorial Park Center (PAMPC) in Somers, Wisconsin.

John Hill | 25.08.2021


The Chicago Architecture Center (CAC) and the Chicago Architectural Club have revealed the seven finalists in the ideas competition that calls for "new, creative visions" for Helmut Jahn's State of Illinois Center/James R. Thompson Center in Chicago.

John Hill | 20.05.2021


The City of Los Angeles has announced the winners of Low-Rise: Housing Ideas for Los Angeles, the "design challenge" that asked entrants to propose new models of low-rise housing across four categories: Corners, Fourplex, (Re)Distribution, and Subdivision.

John Hill | 06.05.2021


eVolo Magazine has announced the winners of its 2021 Skyscraper Competition. Three winners and 20 honorable mentions, as selected by the jury from nearly 500 submissions, "challenge the way we understand vertical architecture and its relationship with the natural and built environments."

John Hill | 07.04.2021


Vienna's Coop Himmelb(l)au has won an international design competition to design the "SCA Arena and Park" in St. Petersburg. Their design follows follows the tradition of Russian Constructivists El Lissitzky and Vladimir Tatlin.

John Hill | 25.03.2021


Barcelona's Miralles Tagliabue EMBT has been selected to design the Shenzhen Conservatory of Music, one of ten new cultural landmarks being funded by the Shenzhen Municipal Government for sites in and around the Chinese metropolis. 

John Hill | 01.03.2021


Metsä Group, Aalto University, and the Finnish Ministry of the Environment have announced the winners of the Urban Adaptation competition, which asked architects and students to design adaptable modular buildings made from wood.

John Hill | 23.02.2021


The Chicago Architecture Biennial and the Danish Arts Foundation (DAF) have announced the winning team for DAF Open Call, a commission for Chicago's North Lawndale neighborhood that is part of the fourth Biennial opening in September.

John Hill | 18.08.2020


Architectural design concepts by the three finalists — Henning Larsen, Snøhetta, and Studio Gang — have been unveiled in the competition to design the Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library in Medora, North Dakota.

John Hill | 10.07.2020


Reimagining Brooklyn Bridge, an international design competition organized by the New York City Council and the Van Alen Institute, "challenges participants to rethink the iconic Brooklyn Bridge walkway." Images of the six finalists have been released.

John Hill | 21.04.2020


Mecanoo has won the international architectural competition for the development of the Senezh Management LAB in Russia with a plan that organizes four functional zones around an "Agora."

John Hill | 07.04.2020


Milan's Piuarch has been selected to design the Human Technopole Foundation's new building and campus for scientific research, part of the MIND Milano Innovation District located in the former Expo Area.

John Hill | 13.02.2020


The National Railway Museum and Malcolm Reading Consultants have revealed the five concept designs by the shortlisted teams vying to design the Central Hall for the museum in York, England.

John Hill | 13.06.2019


The National Museum of Finland has revealed the five finalists in the two-stage design competition for an annex to its 1916 Art Nouveau building in Helsinki.

John Hill | 14.05.2019


The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) and the American Institute of Architects New York (AIANY) have announced the five finalists in the Big Ideas for Small Lots NYC competition.

John Hill | 30.04.2019


eVolo Magazine has announced the winners of the 2019 Skyscraper Competition, with 3 winners and 27 honorable mentions selected from 478 submitted projects. Here we highlight the three winners.



Two days after the spire of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame was destroyed in a fire, French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe announced an international competition will be held for the design of the spire's replacement.

John Hill | 04.12.2018


Five installations have been selected for Ice Breakers, a winter-themed public art exhibition that will be on display from January 19 to February 24, 2019, along Queens Quay West in Toronto, Canada, enticing people to visit the waterfront during the coldest part of the year.

John Hill | 30.11.2018


LA+ Journal has revealed the five winning designs in its ICONOCLAST ideas competition, which asked entrants to "reimagine Central Park to explore questions of how we represent nature and how we think about public space in the 21st century."

John Hill | 26.09.2018


Copenhagen's 3XN has won the competition to design the Climatorium, a new international climate center in Lemvig, Denmark.