Salon Suisse 3: Investigating space as medium

Salon Suisse returns to Venice over three subsequent weekends this autumn to investigate the potentials of today’s architecture with a series of transdisciplinary events

Salon Suisse 2018 
En marge de l'architecture: Encounters beyond the discipline 
Palazzo Trevisan degli Ulivi, Dorsoduro 810, Venice, Italy 

Salon Suisse 2: 13–15 September, Reconsidering the cultural value of architecture 
Salon Suisse 3: 2–6 October, Investigating space as medium 
Salon Suisse 4: 22–24 November, Sailing into tomorrow – but how? 

Free event
All the events will be held in English

Tuesday to Saturday, 2–6 October
Investigating space as medium
Twenty years ago, the Bertelsmann Foundation’s report to the Club of Rome, "The Limits of Social Cohesion," shed light on the potential sources of friction in nation states around the globe. Looking back at the report today, it reads as a prediction of the civil wars and social upheavals that have erupted worldwide. More than ever, the question of “how to live together?” by Roland Barthes has become of existential importance. Midway through the Salon Suisse’s journey, the programme welcomes guests from the fields of anthropology, sociology, art, photography and architecture who delve into the question of collective space, where our daily lives take place, forming discussions around modern social behaviours, as well as our perception of space and interactions with the built environment. The Salon Suisse 3 starts ahead of the weekend with two special explorations, followed by three soirées and a boat trip to Marghera Island on the outskirts of Venice.

2 October to 6 October 2018
Palazzo Trevisan degli Ulivi
Dorsoduro 810
Venice, Italy
Pro Helvetia
Salon Suisse
