
on 03.01.24

The project titled “Becoming, Architectures for a Planet in Transition” has been chosen for the general commissioning of the UIA World Congress to be hosted by Barcelona in 2026. Seven architects — Pau Bajet, Mariona Benedito, Maria Giramé, Tomeu Ramis, Pau Sarquella, Carmen Torres, and José... Madeline Beach Carey

on 19.06.23

Last Thursday, June 8, 2023, the Council of Spanish Architects and renewed a memorandum of understanding to further promote quality Spanish architecture globally.  Madeline Beach Carey

on 02.02.22

On Saturday, January 29, the funeral of Lluís Comerón Graupera, president of the Superior Council of Architects of Spain, took place in Barcelona, at the Basilica of Santa Maria del Mar. The event was attended by a large crowd, a clear sign of the immense loss that this death represents to... Madeline Beach Carey

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